The Health Benefits of Playing Tennis


Tennis is an outdoor, non-impact sport that people of all ages can play. Compared to more recreational sporting activities, tennis is competitive and a great way to meet new people and have fun with friends.

But the advantages of playing tennis are most notable when we consider how it affects one’s health. If you’re planning to step onto the tennis court, it might help to know about how it can aid overall health and wellbeing.

Prevents cardiovascular disease

When it comes to heart health, medical experts often recommend aerobic exercise. The good news is that tennis will increase the heart rate and promote more effective breathing and better blood supply. Even a low-intensity game of tennis is enough to get more oxygen to the body and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Promotes weight loss

There are many ways of getting in shape. A balanced diet is a start, but physical activity is in close second place. Playing tennis for an hour several times per week can lead to additional calorie burn that will positively impact weight loss. A singles match is an excellent cardio workout because you’re constantly running and stretching the body.

Boosts brain power

Our cognitive skills tend to deteriorate if not utilized. One of the fastest ways to work the brain is by participating in a tennis match. Players have to be decisive, think on their feet, and strategize. Plus, every point is a small reward for making the right decision.

Improves agility

As people get older, it’s not quite as easy for them to stay light on their feet. If there’s one thing to be said about tennis, it’s that it requires sophisticated footwork. Tennis players are remarkably agile because they need to move in various patterns across all court sides. Tennis requires players to stop, change direction, and speed up or down in a short period. These activities are excellent exercises in agility and balance and can make us feel younger and healthier.

Excellent stress relief

Stress is an inevitable fact of life, though not all stress is bad for us. However, prolonged and intense stress can lead to mental health issues, high blood pressure, and even abnormal heart rhythms. When playing tennis, the mind tends to be focused on the task of hitting the ball and not on what’s next on the to-do list.

Fights vitamin D deficiency

Getting enough vitamin D is essential for the immune system and heart health, and it even helps reduce the risk of cancer. Despite those benefits, many people are chronically vitamin D deficient because they don’t get enough sunshine. Because playing tennis is an outdoor activity, you spend time outside and decrease the chances of becoming vitamin D deficient.

Playing tennis and feeling good

Exercise, in general, is so important for both physician and mental health. However, not everyone loves to run or ride a bicycle. An exciting and challenging game of tennis is precisely what some people need to start moving more again. Regularly playing tennis is good for one’s heart, muscles, weight loss, and even stress relief.

CourtMaster Sports specializes in the construction, renovation, resurfacing, and repairs of tennis courts, pickleball courts, basketball courts, bocce courts and more. Palm Springs - (760) 548-3545 Las Vegas - (702) 825-8818


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